In this post, I’ll compare the new (post v4) and old (pre v4) versions of the Aloha code bases and try to give some motivation for the changes. I’ll hopefully provide a little insight along the way and describe the direction I would like to see Aloha progress towards in the future.

With the release of Aloha 4.0.0 to Central, I managed to incorporate a lot of changes that I’ve wanted to include for a long time. The main improvements included in Aloha 4 are:

A Note About Types

In this post, the code has the following type parameters, with the associated meanings:

  • U: The upper type bound of a model’s codomain, B.
  • N The natural output type of a model. For instance, a regression model has a real-valued output type. In Aloha, this is a Double. Other model types have flexible output types, such as decision trees which can have any natural output type.
  • A The domain of a model.
  • B The codomain of a model, upper bounded by U.

Simplified Model Factories

Pre 4.0.0 Model Factories

In Aloha 3, model factories could create models by calling the getModel method with the appropriate type parameters and implicit parameters or by creating a TypedModelFactory capable of only producing models with one specific input and output type.

case class ModelFactory(modelParsers: ModelParser*) {

  // Directly get a model of the desired type.
  def getModel[A: RefInfo, B: RefInfo: JsonReader: ScoreConverter](
      json: spray.json.JsValue,
      semantics: Option[com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics[A]] = None
  ): Try[Model[A, B]]

  // Get a typed model factory that returns models of the desired type.
  def toTypedFactory[A: RefInfo, B: RefInfo: JsonReader: ScoreConverter](
      semantics: com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics[A]
  ): TypedModelFactory[A, B]
case class TypedModelFactory[
  A: RefInfo,
  B: RefInfo: JsonReader: ScoreConverter
]( // ...
) {
  def fromString(s: String): Try[Model[A, B]]

  // def fromXyz(xyz: Xyz): Try[Model[A, B]]

4.0.0 Model Factories

Prior to Aloha 4, ModelFactory was more flexible than TypedModelFactory, but this flexibility is not strictly necessary. After Aloha was in the wild for an extended amount of time, this additional flexibility was found to be unnecessary, especially in a world dominated by micro services. Since minimizing the number of ways to use the library minimizes the footprint and a smaller footprint is easier to maintain, I decided the notion of an untyped model factory was unnecessary and it was removed in Aloha 4. Instead, ModelFactory[A,B] was made a sealed, abstract base class for which there is one implementation, ModelFactoryImpl[U,N,A,B]. Creation methods in the ModelFactory companion object return instances of ModelFactoryImpl which can easily be downcast to a ModelFactory[A,B]. This leads to the first lesson:

Constrain the number of ways to accomplish the same goal. Do not allow two ways to do something when one will suffice.

sealed abstract class ModelFactory[A, B] {
  def fromString(s: String): Try[Model[A, B]]

  // def fromXyz(xyz: Xyz): Try[Model[A, B]]

object ModelFactory {
  // Create a ModelFactoryImpl for all model types on the classpath.
  def defaultFactory[U, N, A, B <: U](
      semantics: Semantics[A],
      auditor: MorphableAuditor[U, N, B]
  )(implicit refInfo: RefInfo[N]): ModelFactoryImpl[U, N, A, B] = {
    // ...

Simplified Models

Pre 4.0.0 Models

trait Model[-A, +B]
extends Identifiable[ModelIdentity]
   with Closeable {

  // Return a score as a scala.Option.
  def apply(a: A): Option[B]

  // Return a score as a scala.Either containing diagnostics
  // in the event of a failure.
  def scoreAsEither(a: A): ModelOutput[B]

  // Return a score as a protocol buffer instance.
  def score(a: A): com.eharmony.aloha.score.Scores.Score

  // Internal API
  private[aloha] def getScore(a: A)(implicit audit: Boolean):
    (ModelOutput[B], Option[com.eharmony.aloha.score.Scores.Score])

The signature says it all! It smacks of poor design. The score method was unfortunately a requirement (not a choice) which had a few major implications. The first is that since Score is a (now outdated) v2.4.1 Protocol Buffer instance, the protobuf v2.4.1 library was a dependency in aloha-core and part of the most widely used API. Over time, this has caused many protobuf version conflicts (DLL Hell), especially as other libraries adopted more modern versions of protobuf. This leads to the second lesson learned:

In major APIs, avoid types that require additional dependencies. This is especially true in core libraries.

Another problem with the API above is that as more basic versions of prediction functions were added (Options and Eithers), I had to allow Score instances to be produced in the model implementations. The other problem, which is totally my fault is that Options can easily be created via Eithers via scoreAsEither(a).right.toOption. But since this was a nuisance, I added the apply method. This clearly violates the first lesson about providing multiple ways to accomplish a desired goal.

4.0.0 Models

Models are simply functions with identifiers and can be cleaned up. Dead simple. Enough said!

trait Model[-A, +B]
extends (A => B)
   with Identifiable[ModelIdentity]
   with Closeable


To avoid model reimplementation while allowing different model output representations, I chose to add the ability to inject a score decorator into a model. This takes the form of Auditor[U,-N,+B<:U] in Aloha 4. By allowing the auditor instances to parameterize ModelFactoryImpl, the factory can inject all models and submodels with auditors of the appropriate type. This enables models in Aloha 4 to be truly generic in the output type. It also, allows for easy refactoring of the CompiledSemanticsProtoPlugin to place it in its own module, aloha-io-proto. Because of this, I could easily remove of the protobuf dependency in aloha-core.

One additional thing to notice is the type parameters in Auditor. This easily could have been done with a unary type constructor (e.g. Auditor[M[_], N]), but I already put so much effort into making Aloha work with Java that I didn’t want to introduce this into an important API. This leads to lesson three:

Pick the languages a project should support. Don’t use niceties from one language at the expense of usability from another language. If you must use language-specific niceties and idioms, create separate tailored language-specific APIs.

A Note on the N Type Parameter in ModelFactoryImpl

Since ModelFactoryImpl is parameterized by a MorphableAuditor[U,N,B], ModelFactoryImpl is also parameterized by the type N, the natural output type of the top-level models it produces. Parameterizing the ModelFactoryImpl by N could have been avoided because morphable auditors can create new auditors for a different natural output type but I want Aloha users to know the natural output type of the models produced by factories. This is because auditors can produce coproducts and the consumption of a model score could happen much later, possibly on a different machine. So, if the output type is like Score in the aloha-avro-score-java module or Score in aloha-proto, and the consumer is expecting a classifier result like a string or integer but the factory instantiates a regression model with a real-valued natural output type, then the consumer will encounter an error and the team responsible for the factory may be oblivious. This situation can be exacerbated when the scoring infrastructure (factories and models) is under the control of a different team than the one that produces models. This type constraint can be seen as a consistency check across teams to ensure, within reason, that an appropriate class of models will be used on the problem domain. So, if N is incongruous with the natural output type of a model that the factory attempts to produce, the factory may raise an error at model creation time and avoid this situation entirely. This leads the to fourth lesson:

Fail early by design.


Over time, Aloha has evolved to include simpler, more thoughtful high-level APIs. Along the way, the API evolution was guided by overcoming mistakes of the past. Hopefully, by disclosing and discussing some of these mistakes, others will be able to avoid them. So, once more:

  1. Constrain the number of ways to accomplish the same goal. Do not allow two ways to do something when one will suffice.
  2. In major APIs, avoid types that require additional dependencies. This is especially true in core libraries.
  3. Pick the languages a project should support. Don’t use niceties from one language at the expense of usability from another language. If you must use language-specific niceties and idioms, create separate tailored language-specific APIs.
  4. Fail early by design.