One of the really cool features of my project Aloha is that models can return normal scalar values or trees if the environment requires a complete audit trail. When I was developing the auditing code, one of the requirements was using protocol buffers (PB) as the auditing datastructure. PB are perfectly fine and I like them just fine, but I’ve always thought of them as a little heavyweight. Since I developed Aloha while at eHarmony, using PB wasn’t really a choice.

Since then, I was asked to figure out a strategy for removing the dependency on PB in aloha-core. Because the current auditing code is dependent on PB, a more generic auditing strategy is required to remove the need for, while still allowing PB as an audit trail data structure.

A New Generic Auditor

There are three major types we need to auditing:

  1. A key type: K
  2. A value type: Raw
  3. An output type: Out

In the Auditor trait that follows, each of these types appears as a type parameter. Notice, there’s also an Audited[_] type constructor in the body left to be filled in by the derived classes but the implementation is known: it is equivalent in shape to the Out type parameter described above. Now the astute programmer will say: “Why bother? just use a higher-kinded type parameter and everything would work itself beautifully.” And he’d be right. The issue is that the higher kind would have to be exposed in the instantiation. This won’t work for us because the Auditor is an integral part our API and while the Auditor will be used inside Scala, we want to be able to create the Auditor from Java. To accomplish this, we expose the Out type parameter as the audit functions return type and then use the Audited[_] type constructor for the cs parameter in the second audit function.

import scala.language.higherKinds

trait Auditor[K, -Raw, +Out] {
  type Audited[_]
  def audit(k: K, v: Raw): Out
  def audit[C](k: K, raw: Raw, cs: Iterable[Audited[C]]): Out

Typed Auditor

This gets us most of the way there, but we want to be able to create new auditors with the same implementation but with different Raw types. This will allow us to audit other types in different models. To facilitate the creation of other auditors, we create the TypedAuditor trait. Notice below that typed auditors have an additional F-bounded polymorphic type parameter, Impl. This allows the typed auditor to know about its own implementation which is very useful. For instance, the impl function returns this same auditor (this), but with its implementation type it knows from Impl.

The typedAuditor function is the useful function here. It uses type projection involving the AuditorImpl[_] type constructor that returns the Impl type but with a new Raw type. Said another way, it returns a new typed auditor with the same implementation that audits a different type.

One last thing about typedAuditor: notice the implicit parameter a in the definition. The new typed auditor is materialized from the implicit scope. The proper way to provide these implicits is to put the implicits in the companion class. That way, we don’t need to import the implicits into the implicit scope. We can also control the auditor domain by placing type bounds on the Raw types in the implicit definitions we choose to implement.

import scala.language.higherKinds

trait TypedAuditor[K, -Raw, +Out, Impl <: TypedAuditor[K, Raw, Out, Impl]] 
extends Auditor[K, Raw, Out] {
  type AuditorImpl[_]
  protected[this] def impl: Impl
  final def auditor: Auditor[K, Raw, Out] = this
  final def typedAuditor[NewRaw](implicit a: Impl#AuditorImpl[NewRaw]): 
    Impl#AuditorImpl[NewRaw] = a

A No-audit Auditor

Let’s get our hands dirty with our first implementation, NoAudit. This will be a no-audit auditor. This auditor will just return the raw value in each of the

Notice that we only have two type parameters: K and V. K has the usual meaning. It’s the key type. V is both the Raw type and the Out type. Since the identity function is the only automorphism that applies to all mathematical objects, Audited[_] must be the identity monad. As was mentioned above in the A New Generic Auditor section, the definition of Audited[_] is the same in structure as the Out parameter in TypedAuditor. So, for the second audit function, cs has the concrete type Iterable[C]. The type of cs doesn’t really matter though, since NoAudit doesn’t maintain the audit trail but just returns the value v passed to it.

import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.language.higherKinds

@implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot find NoAudit[${K}, V=${V}] because ${V} doesn't extends AnyVal.\nEnsure V extends AnyVal.")
final case class NoAudit[K, @specialized V]() 
extends TypedAuditor[K, V, V, NoAudit[K, V]] {
  type Audited[A] = A
  type AuditorImpl[A] = NoAudit[K, A]
  def audit(k: K, v: V): V = v
  def audit[C](k: K, v: V, cs: Iterable[Audited[C]]): V = v
  protected[this] def impl: NoAudit[K, V] = this 

object NoAudit {
  implicit def get[K, V <: AnyVal]: NoAudit[K, V] = new NoAudit[K, V]

One last detail about NoAudit. Notice in the NoAudit companion object, where we specify get that the domain of V must be a subtype of AnyVal. This is merely for pedagogical purposes. See what happens when we try to invoke typedAuditor[String]. We can’t do this because String isn’t an AnyVal. See the REPL session below.

scala> val nald = NoAudit[Long, Double]
nald: NoAudit[Long,Double] = NoAudit()

scala> nald.typedAuditor[String]
<console>:18: error: Cannot find NoAudit[Long, V=String] because String doesn't extends AnyVal.
Ensure V extends AnyVal.

A Tree Auditor

Let’s create an auditor that uses the following definition of a tree. This tree is a little different from usual because the root of the tree is typed but the descendants are not. Nodes also have keys. The design goals for this tree are:

  1. We want to be able to retrieve the root and know its type (because the root is the top-level value).
  2. We care about the string representation of the entire tree but not about the specific descendant types.
import scala.language.higherKinds

trait Tree[K, +A] {
  def id: K
  def value: A
  def desc: Iterable[Tree[K, _]] // Descendants

case class Leaf[K, +A](id: K, value: A) extends Tree[K, A] {
  def desc: Iterable[Tree[K, _]] = Iterable.empty

case class Node[K, +A](id: K, value: A, desc: Iterable[Tree[K, _]]) 
extends Tree[K, A]

We can create the auditor as follows. Notice V is the Raw type and Tree[K, V] is the Out type. So the purpose of this auditor is to lift values into trees!

import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.collection.{ immutable => sci }

case class TreeAuditor[K, V]() 
extends TypedAuditor[K, V, Tree[K, V], TreeAuditor[K, V]] {
  type Audited[B] = Tree[K, B]
  type AuditorImpl[R] = TreeAuditor[K, R]
  def audit(k: K, v: V): Tree[K, V] = Leaf(k, v)
  def audit[C](k: K, v: V, cs: Iterable[Audited[C]]): Tree[K, V] = 
    Node(k, v, cs)
  protected[this] def impl: TreeAuditor[K, V] = this 

object TreeAuditor {
  implicit def anyVal[K, R <: AnyVal]: TreeAuditor[K, R] = 
    TreeAuditor[K, R]
  implicit def serial[K, R <:]: TreeAuditor[K, R] = 
    TreeAuditor[K, R]

Let’s audit. Here’s another REPL session. Look at how, given a bunch of tree auditors that audit different types, we can call audit to build up bigger trees. Also, we’ll ensure that auditing is type safe.

scala> val tali = TreeAuditor[Long, Int]
tali: TreeAuditor[Long,Int] = TreeAuditor()

scala> val tald = tali.typedAuditor[Double]
tald: TreeAuditor[Long,Int]#AuditorImpl[Double] = TreeAuditor()

scala> val tals = tali.typedAuditor[String]
tals: TreeAuditor[Long,Int]#AuditorImpl[String] = TreeAuditor()

Notice if we try to audit an incorrect type, we get a compilation error.

scala> tald.audit(1L, "")
<console>:22: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String("")
 required: Double
              tald.audit(1L, "")

Here we audit two different values, a1 and a2, of different types to create tree leaves then create a bigger tree, a3, by calling the audit function that allows for incorporating the descendants.

scala> val a1 = tald.audit(1L, 1.0)
a1: Tree[Long,Double] = Leaf(1,1.0)

scala> val a2 = tals.audit(2L, "2")
a2: Tree[Long,String] = Leaf(2,2)

scala> val a3 = tali.audit(3L, 3, Vector(a1, a2))
a3: Tree[Long,Int] = Node(3,3,Vector(Leaf(1,1.0), Leaf(2,2)))

Finally, let’s look at the types of the descendants once they are incorporated into the larger tree.

scala> val desc = a3.desc
desc: Iterable[Tree[Long, _]] = Vector(Leaf(1,1.0), Leaf(2,2))

scala> val firstDescendant = desc.head
firstDescendant: Tree[Long,Any] = Leaf(1,1.0)

Calling from Java

This is all well and good, but have we violated our goal to be able to instantiate auditors from Java? Nope:

public final void example() {
  final TypedAuditor<String, 
                     Tree<String, Long>, 
                     TreeAuditor<String, Long>> 
    auditor = new TreeAuditor<String, Long>();

We can pass auditor to Scala and let Scala call impl or typedAuditor to get back a TreeAuditor with the desired output type.

Final Thoughts

We have shown how to create a generic auditing framework that can audit using any recursive (tree-like) type. All that needs to be done to adapt it to your type is to write an implementation that extends TypedAuditor and provide the definitions in the companion object. But “that’s left as an exercise for the reader …